Monday, May 22, 2006

Plan 949 from Inner Space

Planned to write this weekend--felt the ideas tapping at my cerebral cortex and just knew that the original comic series I'd been considering was gonna spill right out. I had time and I was fairly motivated. This was going to happen.

Finally sat down Sunday night, opened up my "notes" file and caught up with my past scribblings. Started typing, and what came out... was more planning. Nothing resembling a character in motion, only extra grams of character and some questions to be answered by the actual story. But no story was coming.

I realize today that the planning is what's been holding me back. I can't prepare the entire tale before I actually start to write it. This confidence-withering prep is like designing and building a jigsaw puzzle--I'm designing pieces that when assembled won't make a story, it'll only make a picture of a finished story.

So, if you're reading this and you're not me, feel free to periodically ask me how the story's coming along. I've been undervaluing shame as a motivator, and that's going to be corrected today.

No more planning. Planning never prevented a shitty piece, nor did it guarantee a great or even good one. So I'm putting that in the corner for awhile, and getting the bad words out of the way for the good ones.

Watch this space.


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